Removing teeth has always been a brutal procedure that leaves a raw wound behind.  Teeth are much harder than the bone.  We were all taught to make you give way (peal the gums back and remove bone from around the tooth) for tooth extractions.  Even if you can pull a tooth out directly, you are often fracturing the housing of bone from around the roots.  This causes pain and swelling, prolonging the healing.  Teeth can now be precisely disassembled inside the boney sockets for removal.  This is much less traumatic.  Healing occurs much faster now.  With this and grafting, dry sockets are a thing of the past.

Tooth Extraction

Removing teeth has always been a brutal procedure that leaves a raw wound behind. Teeth are much harder than the bone.

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Offering a full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, with a focus on dental implant reconstruction.